Jul 21, 2014

All about an Efficient Air Conditioning System

An efficient air conditioning system is quite important for keeping your homes cool thus offering you with a comfortable stay. It only makes your stay cool but also helps in cutting down your energy bills. A well planned HVAC system can surely optimize comfort. Climatisation Sherbrooke offers the best of air condition systems that gives you all the controls. The air conditioning system allows you to control, change and regulate the humidity, temperature and dust level of a room.

Air conditioning is a part of heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The unit is placed outside the home and a liquid refrigerant is then pumped into the air handling unit. It then generates cooled or heated air. The cooled air is forced through the home with the help of supply ducts. In return to this a slightly warm refrigerant is returned back outside where it is again cooled and re-circulated. The air to be distributed in the home should be well planned thus, it is important that the HVAC system to perform well.

Technicalities of Air Conditioning Systems:
While hiring a HVAC contractor, one must make sure that he does perform all engineering calculations well in order to determine the proper duct size for each room. Properly sized vents will make sure that there is a good mixing of the air throughout the room. One can direct proper flow of the air conditioned air by installing dampers where required. These are the gadgets inside ducts that can be increased or decreased the amount of air being delivered to a room. Sizes of the vents that supply air to the room must be defined appropriately so that equal air is distributed throughout the rooms. As far as location of the vents is concerned it should be determined depending upon the climate.

In addition to this the stiffness of the duct, its location is an equally important point to consider in order to design a quality air distribution system. Moreover, if the ducts are not well sealed then the cooled air can leak before getting to the room.
The ductwork sealing and its location should be discussed at an early stage with the contractor so as to make sure that your home stays comfortable and cool. One must discus the following things:
  • The SEER rating of air conditioner and the titular tonnage rating of the indoor coils. It should be one size larger than the tonnage rating of the outdoor condensing unit.
  • Ducts must be sealed with a UL-181 sealant as these are the best performing sealants used in HVAC air conditioning systems.
  • Ducts must be located inside the house the house layer that contains insulation.
  • Location of the vents must be chosen effectively depending upon the climate.
  • The sizes of the vents must be carefully selected to effectively throw air into the room depending upon the location.

These things must be discussed in advance even before the construction starts as then you have all the possibility to make changes and get the work done accordingly. However, making changes in an already constructed home can sometimes be difficult but still things can be worked out as there is always a way out to get the changes done for your home improvement.

Author Bio: Simon Hopes pen down his knowledge about efficient air conditioning systems and how their efficiency can be enhance with proper maintenance.

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