my home, my inspiration
May 31, 2010
May 29, 2010
A Woman who Carried Heavy Stones

I saw several people were walking up and downs carrying river stones and sand; from the river to the road above. The distance isn’t far, but the small path is sheer enough and slippery. Then I noticed that between those men, there was a woman…
It’s a pity that I haven’t got a chance to know more: how much she paid for and how many rounds does she do per day. She’s doing this- a very tough job- only for surviving; to fulfill her family needs. Maybe she doesn’t have another skill or opportunity to do another job. The question is: till when she can do this? What we can learn from her? For me, she’s so inspiring. I truly admire her spirit and her struggle power to survive…
Visit Monochrome Weekend for many amazing monochrome photos around the world.
May 24, 2010
May 22, 2010
The Top of a House

Decorate Your Home with Easy Paint Projects
For high impact, you don’t have to paint all four walls in a room. You can highlight one detail with color. Here are several paint projects that you can do (written by Claire Wilson) :
1.Paint Furniture
Tips and tricks: Don't be afraid to go with a potent color, especially if the walls and the trim are neutral. Before painting, prep furniture with a flexible-foam sanding sponge that can get around curves, legs, and grooves. If the piece has a wax finish, remove it with denatured alcohol first.
Best paint for the job: High-gloss paint will turn a piece into a strong focal point. Semi-gloss paint will freshen it up without emphasizing flaws.
2.Paint an Inexpensive Mirror
Tips and tricks: A plain mirror can have an expensive custom look when you paint it a color that coordinates with others in the room. To work most effectively, position the mirror so you can paint evenly around the edges. Place a small mirror over a sturdy bowl or a large one on a small stool, and put down newspapers to catch spatters. Using a brush the approximate width of the frame will help minimize dripping.
Best paint for the job: A paint with a glossy finish will give a frame a little sheen. You can add a few coats of clear varnish for a lacquered effect.
3.Paint Interior Doors
Tips and tricks: Changing the color of an interior door can take a room from drab to fab. But too much contrast between the door and the wall can be jarring. If your walls are bright, choose a similarly lively color for the door. If they're subdued, go for a soft shade. Be sure to paint the frame too, so the door doesn't seem to float in space.
Best paint for the job: It's easiest to clean smudges and grime off gloss or semi-gloss paint. But avoid paints that are super-shiny―they tend to reveal even the tiniest nicks and dents.
May 17, 2010
May 16, 2010
Painting Tips

If you want your paint brushes to last for an eternity, before using for the first time, put the brush for twenty-four hours in a container that contains linseed oil, so that the bristles are completely sub-merged. After that time, remove the brush, drain it and pass under the faucet to wash it with plenty of running water. Finally, let it dry, and you will have a brush, in a condition that will last forever.
To keep your paintbrush from drying out when you have to stop painting for a few hours, wrap it in aluminium foil or wax paper. That way it is not exposed to air and the bristles do not dry out. Just unwrap and carry on painting!
We all don't usually have spackle just lying around the house. For the situations that you want to paint and you realize that you need to cover up the nail holes, take some white toothpaste and put it over the hole. It needs to be paste, not gel. Let it dry and paint over if necessary.
When painting, and you end up with more on your arms, hands and hair than on the wall. Grab a bottle of Old English Furniture Polish. Pour some onto your hands, and rub together briskly. Wash off in water, and then wipe hands dry. Use just a little of the Old English on a paper towel to remove paint from the hair. Wash hair as usual to remove any left over oil.
May 15, 2010
Dry Dead Leaves

May 12, 2010
7 Tips to Get Affordable & Fabulous Things in a Flea Market

- Dress down. If you look too dressed up, I guarantee you'll pay more. A sweatshirt and comfortable walking shoes are appropriate outfit. Also bring a hat, as too much sun can lessen your energy and concentration.
- Get there early. You know you've arrived too late if all you see is people walking out with lamps and picture frames. These, according to flea market specialists, are the two most popular items. When they're gone, you know the place has been picked over.
- Take cash. Lots of single bills and nothing higher than a $20 bill will give you some bargaining power.
- Don't be fooled by stand appearances. A few things on a blanket will cost less than a fully arranged stand. The general rule is that the higher vendor merchandises, the more you'll end up paying, so shop carefully.
- Make a list. Write down things that you're searching. This prevents impulse buying and makes sure you don't finish up with something you didn't want.
- Bring plastic bags. Your old grocery bags will come in handy if a vendor should run out.
- Drive an appropriate vehicle. Flea-market shopping is usually cash-and-carry, and most vendors don't deliver. Consider borrowing a friend's truck or van if you don't have one and know you'll be looking for a large-sized item.
May 10, 2010
Mellow Yellow : My Wedding Photo
Monday is time for Mellow Yellow. May the splash of yellow brighten your day! This time I share a photo that captured on my wedding day. I love our wedding dress, full of blue and yellow gold…

May 8, 2010
Teisjmann Garden

May 5, 2010
Display your collectibles!
Do you love to collect things? It shouldn’t be expensive matters; just find something out there that you love and within your budgets. If you find those things, you are on the road to a collection. For your inspiration, here are ways to decorate with creative groupings of things you love.
May 2, 2010
Bogor Katulampa Dam

Built in 1911; the dam becomes so crucial in rainy season; because it controls the flood (from Ciliwung River) that comes to Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia). The dam starts its alert condition since the water level is above normal height (80 cm). If the water level continues high, it can be predicted that the flood will arrive at Jakarta in eight hours ahead.
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About Me
- My Father In-law’s House
- A Woman who Carried Heavy Stones
- A Parasite Plant
- The Top of a House
- Decorate Your Home with Easy Paint Projects
- Mellow Yellow : Gondangdia Train Station
- Painting Tips
- Dry Dead Leaves
- 7 Tips to Get Affordable & Fabulous Things in a Fl...
- Mellow Yellow : My Wedding Photo
- Teisjmann Garden
- Display your collectibles!
- Bogor Katulampa Dam
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