May 24, 2010

A Parasite Plant

Mellow Yellow is here. Have you been familiar with this parasite plant? We, Indonesian people, used to call it Tali Putri (princess strings). A beautiful name for a parasite plant, right? How do you call it? Is it right you used to call it devil’s hair?

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Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I have never seen this in Sarawak.

Maharlikah said...

Nice strings.. It looks like an ornament of the plant :-) Happy yellow Monday!

Life Moto said...

indded beautiful name but anoying to our plants. cheers!

Kim, USA said...

I think we have that here in US too. And if they get old they are tough, they do cling the tree or any bush tightly. I like the shot. Happy Monday!

MYM~Table centerpiece

Tussy said...

Lovely name, but we need them?

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eNeS said...

Gambar yang bagus mbak.
Sudah jarang saya melihat tali putri ini, makanya pas lihat foto di atas, takjub bgt.

Oya, pementasan gagal akibat kurang dana mbak, hehehe....

MinnieRunner said...

Why is it called s such?

Eden said...

Great shot! I am sure if I have seen that kind of plant here. Have a nice day always

Blogger said...

hmmm great picture!
simple and useful...good job

mixedfresh said...

biasanya kalo lagi ada kerja bakti di kampung tanaman yang ada tali putrinya terus di potong biar ga mati

etam grecek said...

asalkan hidup tdk jadi parasit...

Ana Cristina said...

In portuguese, it's called "gavinhas"...

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