Once you've expertly constructed your new wooden cabin you're
going to want to look into ways to decorate it in a style you enjoy while at
the same time keeping your costs down.
As with all forms of interior design and decoration, there are
expensive ways to do things and cheap ways to do things, and on the whole you
can often get away with going down the inexpensive route without it being
glaringly obvious that you've done so. With that in mind, below are four
inexpensive ways to decorate your cabin, all of which will make a huge
difference to the quality of the time you spend in your cabin whether you've
just put it up or you've been enjoying it for years.
Cover Old Furniture
Now, we're not talking about covering up old cabinets or
bookcases, that's the last thing you're going to want to do. What you may want
to look into covering up, however, is any old sofas or chairs you've bought
into your cabin, as when you cover them with a sleeve or a throw you can turn
them into brand new items of furniture again, while in-keeping with the theme
you're trying to create in your cabin.
This is an incredibly inexpensive ways to decorate as you can
effectively use the old sofas from your home
to furnish your log cabin, giving you
somewhere to relax from day one. Rather than scrabbling to find seats for all
your guests as they come to marvel at your creation, see to this ahead of time
and save yourself the bother of having to throw out your old furniture.
Adding a Clawfoot Tub
Though certainly not the most inexpense item on this list,
clawfoot tubs belong in these old wooden cabins and will make a great addition
to yours whether it's ten years old or ten minutes.
The reason they work so well in this environment is because
they're designed to fit into a more traditional setting, which is exactly what
a cabin provides. There are a number of advantages of owning a clawfoot tub rather than a conventional bath tub, most of which focusing on how easy
they are to install (they're free-standing, therefore don't require you to fix
them up against a wall), and how comfortable they are to bathe in for long
periods of time.
Let the Light In
Cabins, due to their smaller windows, are traditionally seen as
slightly darker spaces than the conventional home. Don't let this put you off
putting together a cabin though, if you haven't already, as there are many
inexpensive ways you can go about bringing the light into your cabin to ensure
you're never short of natural daylight during the daytime, and artificial light
at night.
One of the most obvious ways to bring light into your cabin is
by not actively blocking it out. For this reason, make sure you don't put up
any blinds or sheets that obscure the level of light coming in at any one time.
Once this is complete, put up at least one mirror in each room to help bounce
some light around, and ensure a good supply of lamps are available once night
Embrace Rugs
Wooden floors are beautiful creations, but that doesn't mean you
shouldn't break them up in certain places, and the best way in which to do this
is by putting down a large rug.
Rugs not only look great, they
feel great underfoot and can help keep your feet warm in the winter months as you
move from room to room.
Exude Small Details
Small details are everything when it comes to interior design. One of the most inexpensive ways in which you can
decorate your cabin is by really paying attention to each of the small details
you drop into each room to make the room look both unique, yet follow a certain
pattern working its way throughout the cabin.
In conclusion, once you've expertly constructed your new wooden
cabin you're going to want to look into ways to decorate it in a style you
enjoy while at the same time keeping your costs down.
About the Author:
With their own factory for manufacturing their products, Hortons Group is considered a reliable provider of a wide range of log cabin kits, including those for pergolas and gazebos.
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