Jul 5, 2013

Water Leak Detection Using Technology

Water leak detection tools like electronic alarms are now being installed in companies and industries to know where the water leaks come from. Though it is very common for places like toilet tanks and kitchen sinks to have leaks it becomes difficult to detect leaks in pipes. Hence, these technological wonders can be helpful especially in enclosed pipes. Even if the leak is just small and barely noticeable you need to fix it before the leak causes severe damage to the establishment or business. According to a research, water damage may cause more than twenty seven percent of the damages in a company.

Though water leak detection technology has been in existence for years, there are now new and hi-tech inventions like the use of non-conductive polymer cables that offer important advantages and cost efficiency as well. Given below are some of the technologies that can be used in detecting water leaks and you can choose the right solution for your establishment or home.

The Conventional Way To Detect Water Leaks:
Though the world is now in the midst of modern technology, there are still conventional approaches available in terms of detecting water leaks. One of the common tools in detecting water leaks is the water leak monitoring spot detector. This type of tool senses the water leak at a single point. It is connected to a modular control that helps in providing visual and audible indicators. This is best for floor drains, drip pans, closed areas and others where water meets in a particular area. It is commonly used because of its affordability and because a lot of plumbers are familiar with it. Though there is a drawback i.e, it can provide accurate result only in areas where water is more situated like cement tanks or below air conditioners etc.

The use of hydroscopic tape based systems is another approach in detecting water leaks. The tape is installed surrounding the equipment that needs to be monitored using an adhesive. As soon as the adhesive becomes wet, it will sound an alarm. The downside for this system is that the moisture within the cloth weaves is always the source of false alarms and it may take a long time to dry up.

There is a new type of leak detection system that has currently emerged and it uses cable based sensors. There are also other important factors that must be considered in detecting leaks properly, so contact a professional to take care of leaks.

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