are few things more annoying than when an essential household appliance decides
enough is enough and packs in.Most of our washing machines are used frequently
and put through their paces on a regular basis, so they are among the most
likely household appliances to suffer an unexpected failure. When your washing
machine stops working, you need to decide if the costs of replacing or
repairing it are justified.
many of the simplest and most common washing machine problems, you can fix them
yourselves, if you know what you’re doing. Here is a guide to some of the most
common washing machine errors that you can sometimes solve for yourself.
Washer Will Not Start
you find yourself faced with a machine that simply sits and does nothing when
you hit the “On” button, this could be indicative of any number of different
potential issues. This could be a fault in the machine itself, or a problem
with the supply
of power. The first thing you should do is ensure that the machine is
plugged in properly, and that the mains socket is working.
you can’t get any power out of the plug at all, check the circuit breaker in
your house to see if anything has flipped. If it has, flip it back on again to
reset the breaker.
washing machines will also not start if the door is open, or if the machine thinks the door is open. Close the door
and verify that it is fully closed, and locked. If you cannot get the door to
close or lock, sometimes all you need to do is to wipe around the door paying particular
attention to the seal, and the areas behind/underneath it.
Clothes Are Covered in Lint and Debris
you notice that when you take your clothes out of the machine after a wash, they
are covered in small pieces of fluff, lint, hair, and other forms of debris,
this can indicate a couple of different issues.
of all, the most common cause of this issue is simply the user overloading
the washing machine. You shouldn’t be trying to fill your machine with
clothes before washing. If there isn’t sufficient space for clean water to
circulate, it won’t be able to pull these pieces out of the water. Check the
user manual for load maximums. Similarly, if you overdo it with the detergent,
it will lead to more debris in your
wash, not less.
if you have a pet, wash any pet-related items in a separate wash to the rest of
your clothes.
Washer Won’t Spin
you notice that your machine gets part of the way through its cycle, but then
never starts spinning your clothes, this indicates an issue with your washer.
of all, try spreading and redistributing your clothing around the machine.
Sometimes the position of your clothes can inhibit the mechanism of the washer.
You should also verify that your machine is sitting level. Some machines won’t
start spinning if they are out of level.
ensure that the machine is able to drain. Small items, especially things you
forget to take out of your pockets, can clog machines easily.
washing machine issues can be fixed relatively easily by the user. However,
more complex problems will require that you seek out professional washing machine
repairs. Fortunately, most washing machine problems can be solved, whether
by the user or by a repair service. You can minimise the chances of your
machine suffering problems by regularly washing and maintaining it. Never
undertake any repair work that you aren’t confident in.
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