Dec 20, 2012

Designing Your New Kitchen: Choosing Ideal Floors

If I could redesign my kitchen, I'd jump at the chance to do so, as you can choose so many fixtures for the room to really make it feel like your own, including cupboards, tiles, lights, appliances and splashbacks. One thing that shouldn't be overlooked though is your floor. Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect floors for your kitchen.

• Do your homework

Before you settle on a new floor, I think it's a good idea to find out everything you need to know about the types of floors available these days. There was a time where every home had lino floors, but you will find a much larger choice now - and it only takes a quick search on the internet or a browse in shops that sell kitchens to reveal as much.

Among the options you'll come across are tile flooring (although this can be costly and it may get damaged easily) and laminate, hardwood, vinyl, as well as concrete. There are many advantages of each type, so I'd suggest reading up on them all to know where you stand when it comes to choosing a floor that'll best suit your budget, practical needs and your home.

• Think about the rest of the house

Once you know more about what types of kitchen floors are available, you should think about how they would each fit in with the rest of your house. You might have always wanted a contemporary kitchen with a stylish black wooden floor, but if you have a very old-fashioned period property, it is unlikely to suit it very well.

So my advice is to always keep your property's decor in mind - this is obviously important when thinking about the entire kitchen if you're redecorating the whole room, but you should also remember to do this if you're just changing the floor.

I'd also recommend thinking about what type of kitchen you have. Lots of my friends have contemporary apartments with one room for their kitchen and living area, in which case floors that suit both rooms are ideal. 
The Solid Wood Flooring Company's quality wood floors would therefore be among the suitable options for their flats, as wooden surfaces will look great in both the kitchen part of the room and the lounge. You may live in an old country house though, so your choice of floor is likely to vary. While you might still opt for wood floors to fit in with the rustic feel of the rest of the house, I'd recommend choosing a different type or shade of wood, for instance, an antique-looking one, as opposed to a none or black style.

• Consider children, pets and the rest

It can be very exciting choosing new features for your kitchen, but let's not forget about practical details. We all know how much mess children and pets can create, so if you have either (or both), it is wise to choose a kitchen floor that will be suitable.

I'd immediately opt for the easiest ones to clean, as I wouldn't want to spend all day scrubbing away at stubborn stains on difficult surfaces. I would also look for a floor that doesn't scratch, chip or dent easily if something heavy is accidently dropped on to it - it might sound like I'm asking for a miracle, but there are types of floor that are resistant to a certain amount of damage.

Wood floors, for instance, can withstand quite a lot, so you don't have to panic every time a glass jar falls on to the floor or your dog runs through the room with his claws scratching on the surface. After all, you don't want to replace your floor regularly because it's constantly being scratched, do you?
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