Oct 6, 2012

How to Make a Dual Fuel Comparison of Prices and Where to Start?

If you use both gas and electricity in your home or business you need to seriously consider the potential savings available on a dual fuel deal and examine the options open to you. The deregulated market economy for energy supplies means a single supplier can supply both energy commodities with great cost benefits to them and you the consumer. To start out you need to make a dual fuel comparison of suppliers and how much you stand to save year on year on your energy costs.

Deregulation in the energy supply market benefits consumers and suppliers alike

The deregulated market for energy supply in the UK has given consumers far more choice than was available in the days of the regulated market and nationalised industrial suppliers. Gone are the days of a single gas supplier and electricity supplier, with consumers now able to choose from many companies, all of which are vying for a finite amount of domestic and commercial business. As competition in the energy supply market grows the effect is to bring wholesale prices down in real terms.

The more customers an energy supply company has either for a single supply or dual supply, the greater its buying power on the international wholesale gas and electricity supply markets. To attract more customers to help them obtain better prices, these companies make available many different pricing tariffs for consumers and commercial customers alike. Geographical location can have a bearing on the best prices available, one of the elements which are taken into account when making a dual fuel comparison.

Switching from a single fuel to dual fuel supplier is simplicity itself
Once you have made a complete comparison of the cost of a dual fuel supply and the available tariffs in your area, making the switch is simplicity itself. If you have a gas supply from one company and electricity supplied by another company, it matters little if either of these can supply a dual fuel deal or if it is another supplier. All you have to do is make the application online or by phone and the company will do the rest. You won’t even notice the changeover, except for when the first bill comes in.

First of all it should be noticeably less per month than the figures you were paying previously. Secondly, you will notice only a single charge for supply rather than one charge for gas and one for electricity. Third and most important of all the potential to save hundreds of pounds a year simply by making the switch is real.

Making the switch doesn’t mean you are locked in forever to a single company, although there may be a contractual period which you are obliged to stay with the new supplier. In addition, they will have to guarantee the prices and tariffs for the same contractual period, so it is to everyone’s benefit.

When the contract period is over or coming to an end, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot make a dual fuel comparison again to see if you can get a better deal elsewhere.
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