Jun 13, 2011

Tumpeng Rice

Happy Monday, everyone! Yesterday we attended our nephew’s circumcision celebration. Her mother prepared tumpeng rice for our lunch together. All aunts and uncles were coming. It’s a special celebration for only close family. The bigger celebration will be held later, if my nephew’s pexxx has recovered totally.

Tumpeng rice is a ceremonial dish of yellow rice served in a cone shape. When it served in any special occasion, it will be completed with other various kinds of food. Tumpeng rice will also be decorated beautifully. It’s very inviting, right?
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Luna Miranda said...

is it tradition to celebrate after circumcision? and a bigger feast after recovery! this is quite an interesting tradition. what a gorgeous feast!

Dhemz said...

oh my golly! this is indeed quite a tradition.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What a colorful (and no doubt tasty) feast!


Yellow’s the color I wear at dawn
When dancing dewdrops spangle the lawn.

Red is the color I wear at dusk
When earth and sky are dry as a husk

And nothing stirs—not even a wing
Of bat or swallow or anything!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Kuan Yin Temple

Eden said...

Wow, the food looks yummy. Thank you for sharing. It is nice to know other people's tradition.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous arrangement, I bet it all tastes good.!

Yellow Lily, have a great week ahead!

eNeS said...

Wow, kliatannya enak tuh mbak tumpengnya. Mau dong...

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