If you are planning on going on holidays it is important that you plan ahead and put in place methods of keeping your home secure. There would be nothing worse than coming back from your lovely relaxing holiday to find your home broken into, property stolen or damaged and your home vandalised. Get organised before you go and follow a few simple tips to keep your home safe while you are on your holiday. Install security doors, an alarm and even security screens.
Have your neighbour keep on eye out
Ask your neighbour to keep on eye on your property while you are away. Let them know that you are going away and let them know when you will be back. If someone enters your property when they are home they will most likely notice if they have been alerted to the fact that you are away. Get them to collect your mail for you too so it doesn't look so obvious that you are away, and it will also stop your mail getting damaged by the rain. It can also help if they park one of their cars in your driveway.
Security alarm
If you don't have a security alarm this would be a good time to have one installed. A security alarm will go off if it senses any movement within the house. A siren will sound, and often there is a flashing light that will go off too which is attached to the front of your house. As well as alerting the neighbours your alarm is connected to the security company's system in their head office and they will send somebody around to check out the problem.
Security doors and screens
Have security doors and even screens put on your windows for added safety. These are great to have even when you are not away. A security door will give you the flexibility of being able to open up your front door and let the breeze through on a hot day, without having your home open and unlocked. You can also answer the front door when someone comes knocking without having to open your security door at all. You can see through and still talk to the person without putting yourself potentially at risk. Thieves often break into houses through windows. Having security screens will stop this problem.
Keep the house tidy
If you are planning on being away for an extended period of time, for example you might be taking a trip overseas, then make sure you keep the front of your house maintained so from the street it looks like someone is currently living there. Pay a gardening service to come by every few weeks, depending on the season, and mow the lawn, tidy the garden and sweep up any leaves. It might cost you a little bit but it is worth not having your house broken into, plus you will come back to a home with a tidy front garden.
House sitter
If you don't want to leave your home vacant while you go on holidays then why not get a house sitter. You may know a friend or family member who would be happy to do it. They can also look after any pets while they are there, which will save you a lot of money in kennel or cattery fees. This is ideal if you are going away overseas for an extended period of time.
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