Jun 12, 2014

5 Things to Consider When Shopping for Horse-Friendly Property

If you're someone loves horses, so much in fact that you own a couple of them (or you're planning to in the near future) and you're in the market for a new house, then one of your top priorities may be to find the kind of property that is considered to be horse-friendly. If you're not exactly sure where to get started or about all of the things that you should be looking for, we've got a list of the top five things you should consider when shopping for a horse-friendly property below:

Are the pastures well taken care of? Although the person selling the property may initially tell you that it is quite horse-friendly, the condition of the pastures will confirm whether or not that is the case. If they have been properly maintained, you should not be able to see a lot of weeds. Plus, there will not be toxic plants that horses can eat. One website that provides a list of non-toxic and toxic plants is ASPCA.org.

Are the water sources adequate? None of us, including animals, are able to go very long without water. That's why another thing that you should be inquiring about is if the property has adequate enough water sources for your horses. This means that you should be looking for some kind of lake or creek or river that they can drink water from, aside from the stable that you plan to build or may already be on the property.

Is there a recent survey of the property? Something else that you definitely need to do is have the land surveyed. That way you can know what the property lines are, which natural water sources actually belong to you and the improvements and repairs that need to be made on the property. That said, unfortunately, one mistake that a lot of people tend to make is not having their property surveyed before making an offer. So, unless your real estate attorney tells you that it's not necessary to have one, invest in hiring a professional surveyor. For tips on hiring a land surveyor, visit Point to Point Survey and put "hiring a land surveyor" in the search field.

Is there a separate septic tank or sewer system for the barn? As it relates to finding the right kind of horse property, something else that you should do is ask if there is a separate septic tank or sewer system aside from the one that is attached to the house. Horses tend to produce quite a bit of manure and you definitely don't want to find out the hard way that there is not another waste system in place that's specifically for them. Speaking of manure, also don't forget to ask if there's a proper place to store and dispose of it too.

What's the zoning situation? If after going through this checklist, you realize that you've found the ideal property, before getting your stable design where you're planning to put your Treadall Horse Mats together, there's one more thing to look into: the zoning situation. If you don't ask, you could find out that you are on a piece of property where you actually are not allowed to keep horses (and that would be a real shame). You can find out about zoning issues in any city but going to the local county clerk's office. Best of luck to you!

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