Apr 3, 2014

Building and Termite Inspections—Brisbane Property Buyers’ Must-Do List

Building and Termite Inspections—Brisbane Property Buyers’ Must-Do List -When you’re buying property, you’re making a significant investment. It’s not just about the money you have to come up with to make the down payment and the mortgage. It’s also about the enormous commitment that you’re going to be making, because the property will be your home — for a really long time, or for good.

Whether you’ll be selling it off in the long run or passing it on to future generations in your family, the point is that buying property is a huge decision. So it pays to make certain that you are definitely making the right one. Below is a must-do list property buyers might want to keep in mind.

Have the property inspected for termites. Termite inspections, Brisbane property investors will note, are especially critical because according to the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Brisbane is located in an area where high levels of termites occur.

Termite infestation can destroy a building and demolish potential profits, and these creepy buggers will attack any type of property. Provided, of course, that conditions allow them to thrive: moist, dark, dirty gutters, and wood to earth access points, among others. A termite inspection of the property you are considering will stop you from investing in a money pit.

Get a pest inspection. Other pests, and not just termites, could eat up profits from your investment. Maybe a one-bedroom cabin priced modestly could have borer damage. Maybe an old house you’re thinking of buying has an infestation of cockroaches, rats, or ants. The thorough pest Inspections Brisbane companies carry out will reveal what sort of species are taking over and destroying a possible investment property.

Look for building defects. Walking through the property may help you discover small problems with the property. But only a professional building inspection can uncover deeper issues in the exterior and interior areas, and identify specific defects and safety hazards.

Choose a licensed professional to do the inspections. Make sure to hire a licensed building and pest inspector. Scrutinise credentials and consider the inspector’s experience. With a licensed professional, you’ll be confident that the inspection is going to be accurate and thorough.

A final entry on your must-do list when buying a property would be to read the agreement on the pre-purchase inspection Brisbane professionals provide. The agreement will tell you the limitations and inclusions during the inspection so that you’re well aware of areas that will be checked and how they will be examined.

About the author: Kenneth Lawrence is fond of sharing his knowledge about the real estate industry. He writes articles to help home buyers in making the best investment decision. He visits site like http://building-and-pest-inspections-brisbane.com.au/
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1 comment:

Action Inspections said...

Thanks for you must do list. I agree with checking the credentials on the pest inspector. Buyers need to be

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