Dec 12, 2011

Tamiya Race

I saw this Tamiya Race at a hobby section in a mall. There's no children there. I saw only adults who's busy with their tamiya cars. I couldn't capture any car since it moved very fast.
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Gattina said...

Didn't you know that men are also children when it comes to this kind of toys ? lol !

Unknown said...

I agree hubby still has a car collection....... I shd start my barbie collection......... now that I am not little and can pay for it!!!

Dhemz said...

I think they have like this in the Philippines...I haven't seen one here in the US yet...pretty cool!

HansHB said...

Nice, this is a great hobby!

Unknown said...

Adults with their small cars. I think that is so cool far from being hurt. ^_^

Anything Small said...

Tamiya.. mantap...
dulu sy jg sering main Tamiya..hehhe

wadduh blognya mba lina lagi nih..

eden said...

Nice entry for MYM.
My hubby plays toy trains and has a collection too.

Seow wei said...

Nice hobby, I hubby like digital, all about digital.

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