Dec 24, 2016

How Momos are prepared?

If we talk about the history and the origin of this dish, then it can be said that this is the dish of Tibetan origin and with the influx of Tibetan diaspora it has been spread to others neighbouring countries. It is the popular fast food in Nepal. 

Momo is a type of steamed bun with some form of filling. With the passage of time it has been a traditional delicacy in Nepal, Tibet and among both communities in Bhutan along with the Sikkim and Darjeeling district of Indian territory. Momos have also widely spread to other part of the world i.e. United States, United Kingdom and India.
Ingredients required for preparing momos:
Vegetarian momo:
       2-3 cup of flour
       ¾ cup of water
       2 thumb size fresh ginger
       2 onions
       2-3 cloves of garlic
       1 pound of tofu
       1 pound of cabbage
       2 table spoon of soya sauce
       1 quarter pound of dried brown mushrooms
       1 tea spoon of bouillon (vegetable)
Meat momo:
       1 tea spoon of bouillon (chicken or beef)

Outer covering of the momo is made with a simple white-flour-and-water dough. To make outer covering of momo doughier, a little yeast and baking soda is added to the finished product. Many a times to enhance the taste of momo monosodium glutamate is used.

Traditionally to prepare a momo ground/minced meat filling is used but with the passage of time this tradition has now changed and the fillings have become more elaborate. Now a days momos are being prepared with virtually any combination of vegetable, ground meat, paneer cheese, tofu, soft chhurpi and various other meat combinations.

     Paneer:It is one of the popular filing which is used in India.
     Khoa: In the Kathmandu valley momo are popularly momo are popularly served as a dessert by making the filling of momo with milk solid mixed with sugar.
     Vegetables: Many fined chopped vegetables are being used as the fillings of the momo in Nepal and India. Such as chopped potatoes, cabbage and many others.
     Mashed potato: It is one of the another popular filling used in the Kathmandu valley.
     Cheese: Traditionally chopped chhurpi or fresh cheese is commonly used in India and eastern Nepal.
     Meat: In different region different meat fillings are popular. Pork, chicken, goat and buffalo meat is commonly used in Darjeeling district, Assam, Sikkim, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan.
Lamb and yak meat is commonly used in the Himalayan region of Nepal and Ladakh. 

The dough is rolled into small circular flat pieces. The filling is then enclosed in a half round or round or crescent shape. As the meat is more preferred by people as it has lot of fat and it is intensively flavoured juice momos. A little amount of oil is added many a times to lean ground meat which helps to keep the filling juicy and moist. Then the dumplings are being cooked by steaming over a soup. This soup is generally a stock based of bones or vegetables put in a utensil named mucktoo, which is used for making momos. The dumplings after being steamed can be deep fried or can be pan fried if required.

Typically, there are mainly two varieties of momos- steamed and fried. Usually the momos are served with the dipping sauce. This dipping sauce is normally made taking tomato as the base ingredient.  When the steamed momo is immersed in a meat broth then it can be termed as a soup momo. Kothey momo is an another name of pan fried momo. C-momo is a name given to the momo when it is served in a hot sauce. Tingmo and thaipo is also a variety of Tibetan momo.

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