May 10, 2013

Cleaning Shoes: Tips

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  • Lay out old newspapers before cleaning shoes. This will also protect the area you are working on.
  • If you’re cleaning boots, make sure you gather any mud and dirt into a pile so it’s easier to discard of. You could do so outside to avoid making too much of a mess.
  • Try to avoid using shoes made from delicate materials in inappropriate- weather conditions.
  • Make sure you protect any leathers and suede to help shoes last longer and stay fresh
  • To eliminate odours in shoes, sprinkle a little bicarbonate of soda into the interiors and shake out before wearing them and leaving your home.
  •  For shoes that squeak after being exposed to water, a little talcum powder will absorb the moisture and reduce this.
  • Another trick for drying wet shoes is to stuff the interiors with newspaper or kitchen towels and then leave them to air dry.
  • For leather shoes, a damp cloth and a little shoe polish will preserve the materials and create extra shine.
  •  Suede shoes should be cleaned with warm soapy water (a little washing powder will work) and a nailbrush. Once scrubbed gently, rinse and blot dry.
  • Remove laces from trainers and wash either by soaking with detergent or placing in a protective washing bag and putting them in your next laundry load.
  • To remove scuff marks, a nylon scrub pad or toothbrush are both simple yet effective methods of cleaning shoes.
  • To remove any water stains in suede, apply a little water to a nailbrush and gently buff. Then use a dry cloth to soak up any remaining water before leaving to dry naturally.
  • Protect suede shoes with a suede protector spray after each time you clean them, to help prevent future scuffs or marks.
  • Clean rubber shoes with a damp cloth and a little soap. Then brush away any dirt before rinsing clean and leave them to dry.
  • Always remember to rinse any shoes with warm water, rather than hot water and avoid drenching them.
  • You can create a suitable cleaning solution for shoes with warm water and soap or washing detergent. Powder is also ideal for trainers with stains.
  • Avoid cleaning shoes in the washing machine; try to wash by hand for best results and to therefore avoid any damage.
  •  Never put shoes in a tumble dryer. Doing so will damage both your shoes and the dryer.
  •  Wax shoe polish designed for leather will protect shoes from moisture but won’t actually treat them.
  •  For ease of use, liquid shoe polish is both quick and simple to apply and available in different colours depending on your shoes.
  • Cream polish will add moisture to leather shoes by soaking the uppers as it works whilst covering any marks. 
  • To shine shoes, try rubbing the polish with a soft cloth and applying it in circles for best results.
  • Always allow polish to dry properly before wearing freshly cleaned shoes.
  •  Always keep leather out of direct sunlight to avoid any discolourment or fading.
  • Use leather conditioner to soften and moisturise.
  •  Toothpaste and petroleum jelly are also known shoe cleaners, always wipe or rinse off after use.
  • Walnut and olive oil are two natural oils that can be used to clean and protect smooth leather. 
  •  Lemon juice can be a great natural dirt-remover on shoes.
  • When cleaning shoes, always spot-check areas first before you start.

The article has been written by Angela Harpert on behalf of

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