Jan 6, 2016

Car Donation In New York- Why Are You Doing It?

Everyone knows that this is the season to be jolly and make merry and be happy with your family members and friends. So, this is the season to give gifts to each other and look forward to a happy and successful new year. For all of us who have a lot or just that much to keep ourselves and our family happy and contended, we will know that the coming year will be good for us- at least that is what we will try for. But the days and the time do not change for some people. People who are out there on the streets just waiting for one struggling day to get over so that they can take up on another one tomorrow. It aches to see that a good number of that strugglers also constitute of children- children who are born into circumstances where they are deprived of even the basic necessities of life.
As one stops by and looks at one such homeless or underprivileged child, the only question that arises at the back of the mind is are they really fated to end up on the streets? Or is it in our hands to change their world. It is true that money can’t buy happiness. So, even if you have plenty of it, just giving some to them won’t be the end of their problem. What one needs to do is to find a charitable organization that helps these underprivileged children live a better life. The contribution should be made to such organizations that can use the donation to give these children a better life. Then again, the donation is not required to come in the form of money. If you have a junk car that is nothing but a liability to you, just give that away. A car donation in New York to an IRS recognized organization perhaps might be the biggest gift that one can give this season.

So, if you have a car to donate, then think why you are doing it. Are you doing it out of sympathy, are you doing it because you want your old car to have a good riddance or are you doing it thinking that you can actually benefit from it in some way or the other? Whatever the reasons might be, when you donate a car New York to a non-profit organization, you will be able to meet all these reasons as well.

A car donation in New York to a non-profitable organization is a great way to bid it goodbye in a respectable manner. Whether it is an old family wagon or a truck, the vehicle has served your family and you in times of need. Now that it does not work, does not mean that it is only good enough to be sold as scrap. Rather, one can donate the car to a non-profitable organization that can utilize the vehicle for a bigger and greater cause. Selling it away for some money will not give you the happiness that you might get when you learn that the wheels of your car have taken a homeless and helpless child to school.

Considering car donation in New York can always rise from sympathy and compassion for the many underprivileged children who are forced to lead a harsh life. Since not everyone always has the monetary strength to donate large sum of money, there are organizations that run car donation or vehicle donation programs. When you donate a car in New York, you are not only becoming a part of a noble cause, but also have peace of mind that you still could be a part of such a great project.
Charities are not gifts. So, one cannot ask for a return gift. But, when someone is donating a car to an organization that is recognized by the IRS, then they can expect something in return as well. The return comes in the form of tax deductions. Donating the vehicle to a charity that is qualified under the IRS rule 501(c) [3] makes the vehicle donor eligible for a claiming a tax deduction. The charity, being a non-profitable one, does not use the car for their purpose. Rather, they either use it for sending the children to school or to the summer camp or auction it off and use the money to fund a number of service programs meant for the children. The tax deduction that one earns depends upon the price at which the vehicle is auctioned off or the Fair Market Value of the car. The car owner gets the bigger price and all the proper papers required to document the charity and the tax benefit is provided to the donor’s tax accountant.   

So, there are many reasons for which one can donate a car in New York. As the world revels this festive season, find your cause to donate a junk car to one such IRS recognized charitable organization. 

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