An interior passage that leads to a
venue of wedding reception. At that afternoon, the hall was still being decorated. The venue located inside an orchid park in Jakarta, Indonesia. We were around the place to accompany a friend buying some orchid plants to add her collection.
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Graet shot!
Great photo!
So clean and shiny, very festive...
I love all the patterns, and the beautiful light.
Wonderful long shot.
I like all the lines and squares in this photo.
I like this! Great photo in b&w!
A beautiful photo and a strong geometry in the architecture.
Lovely b&w post!
that is really a great b & w pic!
A beautiful creation that nice perspective!
Loving all the angles and contrasts!
Great lines and patterns in this shot.
Wonderful shot :) Looks nice in B&W
The construction works very well in B&W! Lovely photo!
that´s a beautiful place and so great to see it without people. Love the lines and patterns on the floor. :)
Great shot! Perfect in b&w.
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