Jan 13, 2010

Favorite Indoor Plants

Indoor or house plants can add color and beauty to your home, but sometimes they can be hard to grow. No need to worry; I’ll mention here 15 indoor plants that easy to grow and only needs low maintenance. These 15 favorite indoor plants of GardenWeb member are compiled by Michele Miao. I’ll divide this topic into three posts.

source : home.ivillage.com
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Unknown said...

Wow.. bagus2 tuh bunganya..
Kalau rumahnya besar sih, cocok banget dikasih tumbuh2an sperti itu.. tapi kalau rumahnya kecil kayak rumahku sih, ga ada temapat.. coz udah sumpeq banget, kebanyakan perabot.. :D

kathy said...
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eden said...

nice collection of indoor plants. I love indoor plants and I have mother-in-law's tongue and geranium..

gak mutu said...

bagus rumah semakin nyaman dan enak dipandang dengan hiasan bunga warna warni ...

Mommy Liz said...

Thanks so much for posting this, I killed all my plants form summer, wahhhh! I think, it's hard to find some indoor plants. I love to have lots of plants inside the house, but I can't find the right one..now, I do..thanks again.

imelda said...

yes plants add oxyen in the house

edi swarno said...

nice info, good monring

eNeS said...

Jadi teringat lagu Motley Crue yang judulnya Home Sweet Home....
You know I'm a dreamer but my my heart is gold
I have around away hight... (poho deui maklum lagu jadul masa2 SMA, hehe...)

Wah, klo soal bunya pasti cocok dengan Oema (nirma_yawisa), soalnya mamanya pecinta bunga tuh

michelle said...

hi, very beautifull flowers....

Broto Natasa said...

nice post sob..

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