Apr 17, 2020

5 Home Improvements to Make before You Move In

Woman preparing to paint a room
We can all agree that moving to a new home is very exciting but, at the same time, fairly stressful. All of those pre-relocation tasks such as packing, downsizing and hiring a moving company can be very tiresome.But your job doesn't end there. You need to make sure that your home is completely move-in ready, and you will have to tackle some home improvement projects before all the boxes and furniture get in away. Virtually all new homeowners have to make some home improvements before their moving in. You may, however, not know where to start if you are purchasing your first home. To help you out, here’s a list of 5 home improvements to make before you move in.

1. Get rid of popcorn ceiling and walls

If you bought an older home built anywhere from the 1950s to the 1980s, you may have to deal with the heavily-textured ceiling and walls known as popcorn ceiling or cottage cheese. This style used to be popular for its aesthetics and ability to hide imperfections, but this texture may contain asbestos, so it is better to remove it.  Removing the popcorn ceiling and walls is relatively easy.All you should do is spray the texture with water and scrape it off with a putty knife. Even though the process is easy, it is messy, so it is better to do it before your movers help you move all your household items in the house. We advise you to hire professionals to deal with your popcorn ceiling, given that asbestos is toxic.
Brush painting a white wall
Painting is one of the more straightforward home improvements to make before you move in your new home
2.Interior painting

When you are moving to a new home, interior decor is vital. Adding a fresh coat of paint is an easy and affordable home improvement to make before you move in which can add color to your living space. The benefits of repainting your new home are:
·         Personalization–the colors of the walls may be fine, but they might not suit your style, or perhaps the color is outdated, so you can personalize your home to suit your tastes
·         Clean and protect your walls - dirt can accumulate on the walls, so before the walls are painted, they should be cleaned and prepped; once the new paint is applied, your walls will be protected from moisture and dirt, and they will be fresh and clean
·         Easy home makeover -  painting is among the most necessary home improvements to make before moving in; clever color choices will transform your home, and your room will pop with the fresh color

Whether you are going to do the work or you are going to hire professionals, it is a lot easier to paint an empty room. Also, renovating your walls before your moving day means that you will not have to live with the smell of drying paint in your home.
Flooring, a must for home improvements to make before you move in
If you have bought an old house, you should refresh the floors 
3. Flooring

If you bought a brand new home, you may not need to make any improvements to your flooring. However, if you bought an old house, you may want to refresh the floors since the flooring takes on a lot of wear and tear. And moving in involves even more scraping and heavy furniture sliding around. Of course, experienced, professional movers (Zippy Shell of Greater Philadelphia are pretty great, unless you already hired someone else) have the tools and skills to make less of a mess, but a little bit of wear is inevitable.

However,flooring is amon g the more expensive home improvements to make before you move in. So,you may need to save up some cash. Many homebuyers choose to do their re-flooring later.  But you can keep your costs lower if you schedule your interior decorating of the floors before move-in day. Plus, if the flooring company doesn't have to take the added task of moving all of your furniture, they will finish the job quickly.

4. Electrical upgrades and smoke alarm systems

Although you can do electrical upgrades anytime, it will be easier to be done with these home improvements before you move in since the rooms are empty. If you are moving to a home made in the mid-90s or earlier, think about installing extra electrical outlets or upgrading the existing ones.  Adding additional outlets will make it easier to arrange your furniture, including computers, speakers and gaming systems. Also, consider installing properly functioning smoke detectors in your new home. Many old houses don't have smoke detectors, so it is crucial to install them. Smoke detectors will not change your home decor, and it is always better to be safe than sorry.
White fence with red and yellow tulip flowers
A lovely fence will make your house look like more a home
5. Install fencing

If you bought a home without proper fencing, and you have pets and children, then you should consider installing a fence. Of course, it can be done after you move in, but it is better to do it before your movers get your belongings to your new home.Otherwise, it might be pushed down on your home improvement to-do list.  The fence will make your new house feel like home even before you move in.But more importantly, it will provide safety for your family, protect your landscaping, give you privacy, and much more.

Moving to a new home is a challenging task especially if you have some home improvements to make before you move in. Renovating your home may be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor at times, but you will also benefit a lot from this investment. With these small home improvements, you will make your life in your new home comfortable, safe, and fuss-free.

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