One bright afternoon, his mother -my SIL- let him to play ‘dirty’ with the gravels in the front yard. He’s still learning to stand. I was in the right position to capture the moment.
Oh, how I love black and white photos of children. I posted one of my 6 year old granddaughter this week. I think the medium is perfect for this little expressive.Your nephew is precious. genie
Lovely moment and excellent choice for black and white.
so sweet!
congratulations !
nice shot. priceless!
he is so CUTE! you can see DETERMINATION in his innocent face.. nice shot, Lina! thanks for sharing..
Beautiful shot. He looks so detarmined. It won't be long before he's running around!
Oh, how I love black and white photos of children. I posted one of my 6 year old granddaughter this week. I think the medium is perfect for this little expressive.Your nephew is precious. genie
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