Feb 14, 2011

Rubber Boats

I saw these three rubber boats at the side of one pond in Kampung Katulampa (Bogor. West Java, Indonesia). Nowadays, some people in Jakarta, Indonesia who live in places that ever affected by severe flood, have these boats at their homes for precautions.

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Gattina said...

They just invite to paddle !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

so these boats are not just for fun?

Everything And Everywhere said...

The rubber boats look so cute. Are these for fun or not?

genny said...

so cute...nice shots! happy MYM! cheers!

Kim, USA said...

I don't blame them. I would have that too if our place is always affected by flood all the time. Happy Valentines day!

Dhemz said...

those are cool! I wouldn't mine riding on the red one.

Life Moto said...

that good be prepare for every circumstances.
thank for visit...

eden said...

those are beautiful boats and my favourite is the middle one.

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