Feb 16, 2011

Country-Style Doors

Modern internal doors, in the main, tend to be plain. You might want to rebel against this trend but find that the cost of framed and paneled doors is exorbitant. Or, you may have an odd-sized opening that doesn’t accommodate the standard door sizes (widths 720,760,820 and 870 mm and height 2040 mm).

If so, why not build your own framed and braced door that has definite character? Look carefully at the style of your house and make sure the design is in keeping with it.


Two lengths of 90x19 mm timber (cedar, Tasmanian oak, Oregon, for example) the length of the door makes up the vertical frame members. Two lengths of the same size make up the middle and the top horizontals (rails). The bottom one is 180x19 mm, twice as wide as the middle and top ones.

Two more lengths 90x19 mm create the braces. Note that the braces are almost parallel and run upwards from the hinged side to stop the door from dropping. The framing lengths will have to be made to suit your particular door size.

The lining boards will typically be 2100 mm in length. The number required will depend on how much each board covers. Allow for removing the tongue and the groove from the two outside boards, or the edges will look unsightly.

Source: easy home projects and google
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Dhemz said...

nice! I like regular and modern type...:)

Agenda ibu rumah tangga said...

Aku suka gaya country...malahan pas berkunjung ke rumah teman di daerah bsd, naksir berat sama desain rumahnya yg country style abiss... gambar2nya saya banyak save ke komputer nih, ijin ya mba..

eden said...

Those are nice doors. Thanks for the tips, Lina.

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