There are many tips on planting a vegetable garden that will help you find success, whether you're growing a wide array of vegetables or just want to grow the best tomatoes in the neighborhood.
Finding your place
The most important thing you can do to ensure success for your vegetable garden is to locate it in the best place in your yard. The vast majority of things you will want to plant in your garden like full sun best, so planting your garden in a sunny spot will go a long way toward ensuring the success of your crop.
Of course sunny spots are often dry spots as well, so if you have a sunny spot that holds moisture well without being soggy, that's a good place for your garden. If all your sunny spots tend to be dry, however, you can always amend the soil to make it more hospitable for your plants.
If you're going to plant some things that like less sun or need a cooler environment, such as lettuce, consider planting your lettuce under a plant that will get tall and cast shade on your seedlings.
Preparing the soil
The most important tips on planting a vegetable garden don't really have to do with planting—preparing the soil before you plant gives your vegetables a good head start.
If you don't know much about the quality of your soil, a soil test kit can give you a lot of information about what's going on down there. You can do the tests yourself or give a soil sample from the area where you would like to put your garden to your local cooperative extension service. They can recommend soil amendments based on the types of vegetables you want to plant.
In general, most vegetables like a well-balanced and well-drained soil. Use of a conventional or organic fertilizer, as well as any amendments needed to change the pH of your soil should be done before you plant. Most common vegetable plants thrive in soils with a pH of five to seven.
To make the soil more friendly to vegetable plants, it's a great idea to add compost or manure to your garden plot as well as the other soil amendments. You can't really add too much compost, as it provides nutrients and a good home for beneficial microbes, as well as aerating the soil and improving its drainage.
If possible, till these amendments into the soil a few weeks before you want to plant your vegetables and water the soil well after adding them.
Another tips:
Finding your place
The most important thing you can do to ensure success for your vegetable garden is to locate it in the best place in your yard. The vast majority of things you will want to plant in your garden like full sun best, so planting your garden in a sunny spot will go a long way toward ensuring the success of your crop.
Of course sunny spots are often dry spots as well, so if you have a sunny spot that holds moisture well without being soggy, that's a good place for your garden. If all your sunny spots tend to be dry, however, you can always amend the soil to make it more hospitable for your plants.
If you're going to plant some things that like less sun or need a cooler environment, such as lettuce, consider planting your lettuce under a plant that will get tall and cast shade on your seedlings.
Preparing the soil
The most important tips on planting a vegetable garden don't really have to do with planting—preparing the soil before you plant gives your vegetables a good head start.
If you don't know much about the quality of your soil, a soil test kit can give you a lot of information about what's going on down there. You can do the tests yourself or give a soil sample from the area where you would like to put your garden to your local cooperative extension service. They can recommend soil amendments based on the types of vegetables you want to plant.
In general, most vegetables like a well-balanced and well-drained soil. Use of a conventional or organic fertilizer, as well as any amendments needed to change the pH of your soil should be done before you plant. Most common vegetable plants thrive in soils with a pH of five to seven.
To make the soil more friendly to vegetable plants, it's a great idea to add compost or manure to your garden plot as well as the other soil amendments. You can't really add too much compost, as it provides nutrients and a good home for beneficial microbes, as well as aerating the soil and improving its drainage.
If possible, till these amendments into the soil a few weeks before you want to plant your vegetables and water the soil well after adding them.
Another tips:
- Planning the design of a vegetable garden will take a lot of your time when you are getting ready to plant. You need to know what vegetables you are going to plant, what kind of light requirements they need and when they should be planted for best results.
- Knowing what planting zone you are in will tell you when to plant different items, or find out your area's frost-free date from the county Cooperative Extension Service. Most plants can safely be planted after that date, but some cool-weather plants like broccoli may need to be planted before that date to get a good growing season.
- Mulching the vegetable garden is a good idea, because it helps cut down on weeding and keeps the plants moist. Mulch in combination with a drip-irrigation watering system will lower your water bill and ensure that more water is going to the roots of the plants, where it is needed most.
- Pest control is very important after you have planted your vegetables. Do a regular inspection of your plants and remove unwanted insects that you can see, or spray with chemical insecticides or use organic methods when necessary to get rid of pests.
- If you have a dog that likes to dig or other wildlife that is encroaching on your garden, try fencing in the garden space so your animals can't access it. You can also buy netting to help prevent the birds from eating your berries.
Site selection, soil preparation and planting your plants at the appropriate time for where you live are the most important tips for planting a vegetable garden. Controlling weeds and pests and ensuring that the garden is well-watered will go even farther to make sure you get to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.
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wah berkebun, sy juga suka sobat.
oya ada tips buat sy ga nih, untuk berkebun, sy punya kebun yg mati cuma ditanami beberapa pohon besar spt rambutan dan dukuh di daerah Parung. Sisa lahan kosong masih cukup banyak tp krn ga ditanami tanahnya jd mati.
nice tips for gardening..thanks for sharing and the visit!
saya cmn tanam bunga aja hihihi ...
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