Apr 27, 2017

Surprise Birthday Party- Decorating Ideas

Big or old all of us are excited for our birthday. We all want to enjoy with our family and friends on this day. Birthday celebration includes cutting of cake, having tasty and yummy food. Playing games, getting birthday presents and giving return gifts.  But one thing that adds real life to the birthday party is the décor of the party. You must make sure that you do good and attractive decoration in order to add a feel good factor to the atmosphere. The décor of a birthday party depends on the following:

·         Gender- For girls the color is pink and for the boys the color is blue.
·         Age – The décor will also depend on the age group of the birthday person.
·         Weather- In the winter season makes use of warm colors and during the summer season makes use of bright and happy colors.
·         Budget- one of the most important factor is the budget that must be pre decided in order to get the best result.

Let us now have a look at a few interesting birthday decoration ideas:
1.   Use of balloons- One of the most important things with the use of which any birthday decoration cannot be completed in the balloons. You can make use of balloons of all color and size. There is a lot of variety of balloons like the gas balloons. These balloons stay up till the selling because of the gas that is puffed up in it. Balloons are the best option for decoration at a kid’sparty. If it’s a boys birthday party you can opt to use colors like blue, yellow etc and for a girls birthday party you use colors like pink and red etc. along with decoration balloons will also be enjoyed by the children at the party to play.

2.   Flowers- The flower decoration is a great idea. This idea works best if it is the birthday celebration of an adult. You can choice to decorate the party area with the most liked flowers of the person whose birthday you are celebrating. Make sure that you make a right combination of the colors of the flowers that you wish to use. The flowers will add an element of color and also spread good fragrance all around. You can decorate around the curtains with the flowers.

3.   Use of candles- You can make use of candles for the purpose of decoration. There is a variety of different colors, sizes and space of candles that you can buy. Candles are best used for decoration for night birthday party. You can make use of scented as well as the music candles. There are candles that you can buy from which you can hear the music of happy birthday singing etc. But make sure you keep the candles away from the curtains if in a room.

Use these interesting ideas of decoration and make the birthday of your loved one special. You can surprise the birthday person of plan the whole thing by asking him or her in order to keep his or her choice in mind.

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