Oct 18, 2010

Yellow Vehicles

Mellow Yellow Monday is coming again!

If you have your own vehicle; what color is it? Ours is black. I like to see yellow vehicles; as it can attract other’s attention. But until now, we haven’t yet wanted to change the current color into yellow. We still have no brave, hehehe.

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Chubskulit Rose said...

Nice capture Lina.

Please come and see my Mellow Yellow post when you have time. Thank you and have a nice day!

ito said...

hahaha :D
i think you like a yellow :P
its like a "angkot" in my city ..always yellow and yellow :P
maybe i can send you pic about that ..hehe

Kim, USA said...

I love yellow but hubby don't like flashing color on the road. He said cops could spot it immediately hehe.
Plant for bugs

Helena said...

Those vehicles will get attention for sure! My car right now is red, but I'd much prefer something in black or grey. :)

Eden said...

Beautiful photos, Lina.

Happy mellow Yellow Monday.

genny said...

hi lina, nice picture. very cute yellow bus as well. thanks for the comment. cheers!

Dhemz said...

I like that yellow van....:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

30 years ago, my friends in Jarkata said, you must have a full carload to go into the city. So school kids make money by making up the number. Is this still happening?

My car is silver metalic. I like this colour.

Anonymous said...

wow nice shots.

Information said...

a lot of yellow in this picture ... hehehh

Greetings ...

genial said...

In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice.

Hezy said...

I also prefer black or silver color rather than yellow color. it was too tacky for me

MinnieRunner said...

Mine would be green :)

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