Before undertaking anything in life, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. It’s one of the requirements for success. The following points, although brief, will assist you in considering the home improvements you propose to make from the correct prospective. If you ask yourself a few basic questions before you begin the tasks that need doing around your home, you’ll save yourself a lot of time, expense and trouble.
What needs doing in your house?
Any physical change you make which adds value to your home or increases its amenities can be considered a home improvement. This can range from doing a minor task such as adding a second storey. A gradual progression (with plenty of intermediary stages for learning and the mastering of techniques) should typify your do-it-yourself ambition.
What needs doing in your house?
Any physical change you make which adds value to your home or increases its amenities can be considered a home improvement. This can range from doing a minor task such as adding a second storey. A gradual progression (with plenty of intermediary stages for learning and the mastering of techniques) should typify your do-it-yourself ambition.

Should there be a theme?
You should have a definite idea of what you want to achieve with your home so that each new change you make adds to a co-ordinated, simple, overall theme. Keep in mind commonsense parameters such as preserving the style of the home, choosing materials that complement those used in the basic construction of your house and selecting harmonizing colors.
Can you over-capitalize?
The answer is yes! You must be very careful to relate the overall cost of home improvement to the value of property, both present and expected. In other words, if it appears that you won’t get your money back, don’t go ahead.
The best you can do is to work out the total cost of the improvement, and then try to assess the probable increase in the value of your home. With expensive improvements, if in doubt, ask a reliable real estate agent. If there’s no probable increase in value, try to put a satisfaction value of the improvement and relate that to the cost.
Source: Easy Home Projects
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1 comment:
I love the picture, looks very cosy there... :) I love this blog too..
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