Jun 20, 2010

Mellow Yellow: My Niece and Nephew at a Radio Station

From my three brothers, I’ve got four nephews and four nieces. For Mellow Yellow, this time I share a photo of Rafa and Fira, adorable and smart chidren of my brother, Lusman, and his wife, Ellen. Their mother, my SIL, works at a radio station. That’s why I can have this cute photo of them!

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Mylene said...

Very cute indeed!

mine is here

Story Of A Woman said...
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Life Moto said...

wow you have a future dj then. good luck for your career kids! :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

it is always nice to hear children's singing and talking over the radio.

Ma.links said...

Cuties :)

eileeninmd said...

They are cute! Nice capture of the yellow for MYM! Have a great week!

MinnieRunner said...

You have a very cute niece Lina.

Joanne Olivieri said...

How adorable they are. Thanks for sharing their photo with us.

Kim, USA said...

Your kids are so cute!! Happy Monday!

RRT~Red Hollyhock

Dilla AS said...

cool and nice.

eNeS said...

Keponakannya imut-imut mbak... Kapan dong nyusul? Hehehe....
Maaf juga baru nongol. Maklum masih sibuk nulisin raport mbak

Coretanku said...

Siap... Action...
Hehe... Senyum dong...

eden said...

Nice to see your cute nephew and niece. Thanks for sharing

Cheqna said...

adorable :-)

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