Jun 5, 2010

Female Farmers

The photos are still captured in a village in my husband’s hometown (Bumiayu, Central Java, Indonesia). I can’t help to capture these diligent women who were busy working at rice fields.

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L. Neusiedler said...

that is really hard work!

Blogger said...

hmmm female farmer, like my mother..
love u mom..

Jaz said...

Jadi homesick lihat sawah....dan female farmers...

Unknown said...

Bumiayu is a place which is famous of its satay.

Carver said...

These are great shots. It's looks like very hard work.

Dragonstar said...

I could never manage that work!

Tania said...

Wonderful photos in mono. They doing a great work I think..
Wish you a nice week:-)

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