Jul 4, 2011

An Alternative Look at Choosing the Right Builders in Sydney to Work For: 5 Points to Consider

While there are a lot of builders in Sydney, not all of them are ones you want to be working for. I am not personally involved in the building and trades industry other than watching developments, and keeping track of which companies are good, and which companies are bad. There are plenty of stories of poor management; poor staff training and a whole lot more. Choosing the right company is a decision that anyone looking for work must consider. It is the start of a job search. Choosing the wrong company can have a very negative affect on your life, your career, your health, your financial condition, and most importantly, your future outlook and attitude. Here are the essentials you should be looking for in your prospective employer.

· Quality. A job is more than money. It is where a lot of your time is spent, and a lot of what will make up the way you are feeling about your career and your life. Look for a company that has progressive and positive relationship management with clients, contractors and staff.
· Safety. Just because occupational health and safety laws exist, doesn’t mean every worker is actually protected. They should be the minimum requirement. A company that behaves and cares for its staff and people in a safe manner is normally one that does everything else with due diligence and attention to detail. Too many people have had their lives and careers destroyed from a simple accident. There is no compensation that can replace the ability to walk, or live without back pain. The construction industry is a relatively dangerous industry to be in.
· Non-Discrimination. Discrimination on any level is totally inappropriate and so very wrong. Some research and background checking on any company will show signs of discrimination if it exists. Age discrimination is an epidemic in Australia. Make sure the company you are looking at employs a whole range of people without consideration of their age, sex, race, disabilities or personal persuasions.
· Training. A company that invests in the proper development and training of its people is a company that cares about its people. Training means the company is investing in you. You are investing in them with your time and dedication. Time wasted cannot be gotten back. Training also means the company provides a secure and comfortable workplace.
· Remuneration.The best companies pay the best. Any company that wants to be the best needs to be paying better than others. Creative and long-term remuneration is always a good addition to normal contributions. Remuneration also means caring for your future. A company that pays the minimum rates as required by the award system should be reconsidered. They can always pay a little more. If they are only paying the minimum they can, it shows they are just trying to get the most out of people with the least amount of cost. Minimum rates, are just that, the minimum and they are not what must be paid by any stretch of the imagination.

There are many good construction companies in Sydney. Get creative with how you research and do background checks on they way they treat their people and go about doing their business. Newspaper records, media stories, court records, even watching over their worksites for a few days, are just some of the ways you can get a very good idea of an company’s employment record.
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