Another cart photo from me. Here, most vegetable sellers use 2 wheeled carts to bring their things. Only a few sellers have used motor bikes. It’s not only vegetable; you can also find fish, chickens, fruits, and spices. For our daily meals, I often buy things to cook from them. I have subscribed to one seller for years. He passes by our home every morning.
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ahh really, wow this is new to me... interesting Lina... Thanks for dropping by...
Nice...more eco-friendly
That would be a great exercise for the seller too.
Cool photo.
Happy Monday!
I really like the yellow in this. And you are lucky to have such fresh things available to you.
Lina, I love your photo. Nice to see how life is lived in another country.
We do not have this type of service in the US. We use to have home delivery of milk but that stopped when I was a child. We not have a company called Swans that delivers frozen meals to those that subscribe twice a month. I find that a big help and prevents my having to tote home heavy bags from the market.
Thanks for visiting my MYM post on Chinese yellow glass.
I missed seeing those cart already. In the Philippines we have like that too. Happy Monday!
Trick or Treat
Nice post for MYM. I agree with Kim, we have similar to that in the Phils.
Vegetable seller very helpful our family, sayur-sayur :)
Veggie cart, veggie cart,
Laden with good eats,
I am getting hungry
Thinking of your treats.
Veggie cart, veggie cart,
Here’s some cash for you;
Give me something tasty,
Something I can chew!
© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher
MYM: Marigolds
That is really nice and you captured it great!
Thanks for visiting my Mellow Yellow Monday
wow! it reminds me of my home country...the Philippines.
great captured Lina.
i can also find fish, chickens, fruits, and spices
We have the same int he Philippines, they would use some kind of tricycle and would yell " veggies for sale" so people don't need to go out and go to the market. convenient huh..
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