Here, there still are a few people believe that the cannon can give you fertility. Just rub your belly (if you’re a woman) to the fertility symbol. Does it really work? I really don’t know, hehehe. I won’t try it, too weird for me.
The Weekend in Black and White
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Wow! Awesome canon.
Hmmmm, fertility...fire?
But how interesting, Lina, to have that hand there! The hand may symbolize fertility I think. ;-)
An interesting fertility symbol. I like the lighting in this shot, the darkness at the back emphasises the hand.
nice one. if it is really needed there's no bad in trying. :)
LOL... baru ngeh itu lihat simbol tangannya. :)
anyway, nice B/W bu...
What a fascinating idea! Seems a combination of life and death. Nice shot.
What an interesting object! Works well in black and white
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