Mellow Yellow post is coming again. I prefer to call it a replica than a doll. I saw this ‘male replica’ at the center of a park in my father’s hometown, during last Eid ul-Fitr holiday. It really attracted my attention, as he was hitting the traditional large drum while shaking his hip- left and right. The playing music was very loud, too!
Aku pernah liat ini di Jakarta, but I forgot where... ^^ Nice shots Lina, thanks for stopping by.
That is an interesting piece of old world technology, i would love to see one.
hhahaha...that is too looks like a real person....:)
So this guy is real!! Hehehe looks like fun to look at.
MYM-Town parade
Fun shots.
Yellow Leaves are so much fun for kids!
you mean that it's not real? Wow!! Looks real to me.. Cool invention :D
maybe that's really entertaining to look at haha! :D
A Time To Weep and A Time To Laugh
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